Has it been a better year for you so far when it comes to quality hay production?
Harvesting great quality hay can be pretty much summed up in the word ‘consistency’.
The winning combination is consistency in the thorough conditioning by the swather, consistency in the effectiveness in the rake to create a uniform windrow, and consistency in the baler to have unchanging density in each bale, from top to bottom, from end to end.
There are many more contributing factors, but these are the fundamental ones that we have decided to touch on today because the hay producer has the choice on what machinery to use and keep it properly adjusted to promote consistency and uniformity throughout their haying operation.
Consistency can mitigate the wide range of moisture variance while baling.
If we can get our moisture levels down to a 4% spread, with no more high moisture spikes, then we know we have good consistency in swathing, raking and baling.
Reaching moisture levels and baling your hay between 16-20% moisture and processing it through the AG Maximizer Hay Dryer will take you to a whole new level of quality and consistency.
Best wishes for an excellent hay season and prosperous yields.